Mahodand Lake

Mahodand Lake is situated in the Koh Hindu Kush Mountains range at an elevation of 9,400ft. Mahodand is about 40 Kilometers from Kalam. This beautiful Lake is surrounded by beautiful meadows, dense forest and high snow mountains which increase the beauty of Mahodand lake more and more which cannot be express in word. Thousand of tourist come every year to the beautiful lake.

Mahodand Kalam

When the tourist come to this beautiful lake never go back without boating and fishing.

During the winter season, this lake show another beauty. The lake freezes and covered by heavy snow which attracts the tourist for skating. But in summer you cannot imagine the beauty of Mahodand Lake, its basin is surrounded by alpine flowers, Blue poppy, potentilla and Gentian beautiful flower every was with full fragrance. Apart from this, the lake is encircled by a beautiful pins tree. In fact, it looks like a piece of paradise. Natural Beauty, No one can design such a beautiful site.

Mahodand Lake in winter

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