What is Marketing

So what is Marketing I am from a business background and my view about marketing is the art of selling something to some. Marketing is the art of selling something to someone.

What is Marketing

My teacher replied to me "Wrong" I am really very surprised at that time.

Actually, my answer is incomplete at that time.

In this article, I am trying to understand you about marketing.

You have heard millions of definitions of marketing. Like Mr. Phillip Kotler say this and other authors say other definition.

Today I will give you my own definition of marketing.

Marketing is the positioning of offerings better than the competitor.


Now the question is. 
What does the positioning of offering better than the competitor actually mean?


For Example:

Samsung, iPhone and Infinix. They sell phones.


But whose services and phones do you rate highest?

You tell me,


Someone says Samsung is better, someone says iPhone and someone Motorolla. 

But this time the Samsun and iPhone capture a big quantity of the market.

Now the question is a little clear that there are only two big brands in the Market.

Samsung and iPhone.

Now someone thinks, iPhone is superior while other thinks Samsung is superior.

For those who think iPhone is better, for the iPhone positioning is better. Some think that Samsung is better for them because the Samsung position is better.

I think the concept of position is clear Now.

Now we come to the offerings and try to understand the concept of offerings in marketing.

For Example, all brands are standing in a queue. And all brands are standing at their positions, but at that position they are offering what, offering means Services of individual brands.

What brand will give you? iPhone is giving you, phone, calling services, a particular processor or whatever like a camera and Samsung is giving you similar things but ultimately you will use the phone for calling purposes. So what's happening here? They are playing with your brain.


What should I choose? Samsung, iPhone or Infinix 10pro


For me 10pro is good and the position of this is better. They offered me a good camera, Processor and storage and it fulfilled all my duty at a very low budget.


So all these myths is created by marketers and they played with your mind


Which is a part of "Positioning".


I think you must have understood the definition of "Marketing" by now. Marketing is positioning of offerings better than the competitor I have to position my product better than my competitor.


If you consider philip kotler's definition.


Segmentation, targeting and positioning of offerings better than the competitor also yield profit and a bit complex definition.


So the definition of marketing will change from then and now.


Today you are getting what I am saying, but if you would ask me for a marketing definition again after 5 years, I might give a different answer. Because the marketing environment keeps on changing continuously.

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